Linux htop command
Linux htop command

To install htop on a Debian/Ubuntu/Mint system, issue the command: sudo apt install htop Htop can be downloaded from the following locations if it is not already present within your Linux systems repositories. Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE have these packages available. (Many linux distributions already have htop in the repositories). To use 'htop', you will need to download the appropriate set of binaries from for your system. Pressing the 'F6' key gives you the option to amend the fields that are displayed. However, you can move your cursor up or down over the running process and quickly change the priority (Nice + / Nice -) with the 'F7' or 'F8' keys or Kill a process with the 'F9' key. Underneath this graphical display is a more familiar view which resembles top in many ways.

linux htop command

Across the top, the current number of running tasks, Load average and up times are displayed. With htop, you are greeted with a colourful screen displaying CPU Utilisation, Memory Utilisation and Swap file utilisation in a graphical format. Htop is an alternative monitoring tool to the more familiar top command. To display the htop menu setup, press F2.Htop Monitoring Tool Monitoring Linux with htop Press F5 or T to display the process tree. To display the processes of a particular user, press “u” and select the user as shown below: In my case, I am selecting Memory based sorting. To kill a process, first select the process and then press F9 or k and then click on send to kill the process, in my case I am killing the puppet process as shown below:ĭisplay the processes sorted by different optionsīy default htop shows the process sorted by CPU usage, if you want to change the sorting option, then press F6 and select your respective Options as shown below: Section 3: Footer displays htop menu commands.Section 2: Body shows the list of processes sorted by %CPU usage.Section 1: Header shows the CPU usage, Memory usage & Swap usage along with Load average and uptime of linux box.The htop output consists of 3 sections as follow: -v –version (Output version information and exit).-s –sort-key COLUMN, Sort by this column (use –sort-key help for a column list).

linux htop command

  • -p Start working thread for pagemap memory stats.
  • -u –user=USERNAME ( Show only the processes of a given user).
  • -d Delay between updates, in tenths of seconds.

  • Linux htop command